Videos with Finnish subtitles

Jnani the Silent Sage of Arunachala
Talks with David Godman part 1
Talks with David Godman part 2
Talks with David Godman part 3
Talks with David Godman part 4
Talks with David Godman part 5
Talks with David Godman part 6
Talks with David Godman part 7
Patience, Tolerance and Forgiveness
Papaji: ’Summa Iru,’ by David Godman
Papaji: ’Call of the Search,’ by David Godman
Who am I? The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
Michael James on Nāṉ Ār? paragraph 1
Self enquiry vs Surrender by Michael James
Swami Sarvapriyananda and Michael James
Translated articles

Ramana Maharshi esittely- David Godman keskustelee John Davidin kanssa translation by Jussi Penttinen
Nisargadatta Maharajia muistellen Keskustelu Harrietin kanssa translation by Jussi Penttinen
Haastattelu David Godmanin kanssa, tekijä Rob Sacks translation by Jussi Penttinen
Eläminen Sri Ramana Maharshin inspiraatiossa translation by Jussi Penttinen
David Godman haastattelu-Kirjoistani translation by Jussi Penttinen
David Godman Viorica Wiessman haastattelu translation by Jussi Penttinen
’Nan Nar?’ Kuka minä olen?’ translation by Jussi Penttinen